Friday, November 18, 2005


Ok so it has been a while since I have blogged...Apparently grad school is a little more time consuming than I originally anticipated. Anyway I just wanted to give a quick update of what I have done and what I will be doing over the next number of months.

This semester:

623 - Finishing up my first actual documentary. This 15-20 minute short doc tentatively entitled, 'Skating for Jesus.' This documentary is center around a Christian skateshop and skatepark in Muncie, Ind. It examines the relationship between the seemingly unlike activities of skatboarding and practicing religion. Due Date: Nov. 30.

601 - Finishing up a paper tentatively entitle, 'Looking Towards 2008: The Effects of New Media on the Political Process.' It is going to be good and it is basically the basis on my upcoming masters thesis. Due Date: First/Second week of December.

690 - Working on a five-minute piece looking at faith during times of crisis. This piece is from the footage I shot, while I was down south after Hurricane Katrina.

610 - I am pretty much done with most of the work on all three of my projects. My first class was creating a proposal for a new class for the Digital Storytelling Masters Program. My second project was creating the concept for a bar and venue for the Muncie area. This was my group project, which I did with Betsy. My third project with is still slightly unfinished is completing a website for the head of our masters program Dr. James W. Chesebro. Here it is so far: BETA

But more importantly this post was to say I am leaving Muncie again. This time I am going down to Columbus to root on the OSU Buckeyes as they on the dreaded team from up north. GO BUCKS!!!! O-H-I-O.

Moving on to next semester, I schedule and am taking: ICom 602 (research project on facebook and other online communities), Comm 605: qualitative Research Methods (hopefully I can tie my facebook research into this), ICom 630 (not really sure), ICom 670 (a one-credit project building the greatest website ever: or

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