Sunday, December 11, 2005

End of the Semester Thoughts

So as everyone, or more precisely the two people whom regularly check this site, have noticed. I have not been updating the ol’ blog for a while. Unfortunately, I got busy with school and just with life and the blog got put on the back burner. I think I should be back to regularly posting at least for the next number of weeks.

I’m heading back to my Mom’s house in Youngstown on Friday and will be staying there for the next number of weeks. Then I’ll head back to Muncie for semester two of graduate school.

Here is a recap of semester one:

On school, I have had a great first semester, where I have been challenged to think and produce. I wrote what I think is a very good essay, entitled “Looking Toward 2008: New Media and Its Effects on the Political Process,” which takes a very small look at how new technologies might alter the face of the Presidential campaign in America. It is essentially a precursor to my thesis and has let me slightly arrange my thoughts for when I write my thesis next fall. I also produced a fifteen-minute documentary. “This Life.” is a slice-of-life style piece about a Christian skateshop and skatepark located in Muncie, Indiana. We will be sending it out over the next couple of months to a number of contests and festivals.

On life, I have made some great strides and some stupid decisions during the last three and a half months, but through it all I think I have made it through fine because of good friends and a great family. With friends who are willing to call you an asshole, when you’re being an asshole and a family who supports you no matter what you do, I wake up every morning asking myself how could I possibly fail. Along with those friends, I have met some amazing people over the last few months and I hope a number of these relationships last past the two years we’ll be here in Muncie. Don’t get me wrong some of these people and these relationships have driven me crazy at different points and drive me crazy now, but I wouldn’t trade any of it for anything in the world. My experiences here have taught me a lot about myself and have taught me a lot about what I value and what is important to me.

I have found that I value my family greatly and although I have had the sudden realization that my father is not superman during this semester, I have also found that he is a survivor and a hero. I have found my mother to be as supportive when I am away as when I was living at her house. I have found a countless number of things this semester and my family and my friends, new and old, have been with me through all of them.

That was my first semester. I have three left. As for next semester, I have two classes picked for sure and I am still deciding on a third. I’ll try keep everyone abreast of what is going on and I’ll try to start updating this again, well at least until it gets crazy again at the middle or end of next semester.

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