Wednesday, October 12, 2005

iTunes 6.0

As I had previously guessed along with the announcement of the release of the iPod video comes a new version of iTunes, iTunes 6.0. The impact this could have on television viewing patterns in amazing. You can now download a full episode of Desperate Housewives for only $1.99. Imagine what that will do...2 dollars is cheap and iTunes is easy. I have always said HBO shows do so well because you don't have to ever miss an episode, they air them like 6 or 8 times. Now you don't ever have to miss an episode of Desperate Housewives. You can go out on Sunday night and then come home and download it for just 2 dollars. That is huge.

There are only a few TV things up right now, but I think we are going to see a huge jump over the next couple of months. For example, anything that the nets are now Podcasting they can start putting up on iTunes. ABC News could put up ABC Nightly News and Nightline...leave the commercials in and make it free or take the commercials out and charge a buck. This is huge.

Michael Bloxham, of Ball State University's Center for Media Design, has predicted the world is turning into a world of 'screens.' No television. No computer. No separate entities, just 'screens' and iTunes video is helping that along. I have a 20' Apple Flat screen monitor and the Harmon Kardon Sound Sticks and I can tell you I would rather watch a DVD on that than my slightly older TV and DVD player. One single broadcast viewer is by no means worth two advertising dollars.

This has huge implications and I will have more later. Product placement. Overall TV viewing. Tivo sales and more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nick: Do we know for sure that the shows on Itunes won't have ads in them? Like the ads at the beginnings of movies at the theatres? I wonder if this will mean that companies push for product placement in shows. Will all the chicks on Desperate now listen to their ipods while they drive the kids to soccer practice? You've got me thinking.