Thursday, January 19, 2006

Super Bowl

The Super Bowl is going to be super interesting this year. [ed. note: I want to officially apologize for super/super thing in the previous sentence.] With companies paying over two million dollars for a single spot, we are guaranteed to see a rise in the way these companies try to pull people back to their websites. I'll go as far as saying, every ad (+/- 3) that runs in Super Bowl XL will contain a reference to the companies website in either the VO or in the form of an on screen graphic.

We will also see a rise in the number of ads that are really just trailers for a companies website. A few companies, such as Nissan (I believe), have tried this in past by literally having the end of the commercial, or the third act of the commercial's storyline, available only online. But I think we will see different uses of this during this years game. Companies are going to want more for their money than just the thirty seconds or minute they get on air.

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