Friday, August 19, 2005

The anchorman has an interesting article defending the status and longevity of the standard single-anchor format. I personally agree with this approach. I think the American viewing public needs the single-anchor. In times on national tragedy of country wants to turn to someone they trust. Like Peter Jennings during 9/11 or Walter Cronkite during the Kennedy Assassination, the anchor has become an American institution during confusing and chaotic times and I for one do not want to see that institution disappear.

Yet, I do understand we have to change and get more up-to-date. I think the nets should use their anchors as air traffic controllers of sorts. They should sit in the New York studio and be the face of the network, but nearly everything should be pitched to a correspondent, who is live somewhere. The anchor should just be transitioning form one correspondent to another...From one county to another...Keeping the news going quick in literally and figuratively covering a lot of area. Don't get me wrong I understand this isn't a very original idea, the nets are moving this way I am just saying they should keep going that way.

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