Sunday, August 07, 2005

Dateline folo

As I mentioned in an earlier post Dateline NBC on Friday tried to look at the news coverage of kidnapped white women and girls and how it compared to the coverage of men and women of the various minorities. I must admit I missed the big show but, they did put up a full story on and I can only conclude that there story was fluff and was crap. I mean it looks like they had some interesting statistics, but it doesn't conquer the why or the how at all. And the interview with Neal Shapiro, NBC News president, seems like a complete joke.

As I said above, I missed the show, so I am only basing my opinion on a two page online article, but it looks like fluff. I still think the bigger question is why are these kidnapped people national stories at all. Seriously, people get kidnapped all the time. It is an inevitability. We are a nation of 300 million people and kidnappings happen. It sucks and I truly feel for the families of these people, but they are not national stories. The kidnapping of a pregnant woman, being white, black, Mexican or from any other ethnic or racial background, should not be getting 941 minutes of combined nation network news coverage, as Laci Peterson received (according the Dateline story). In the months previous, as we are finding out now, the national media should of been using their time to bring to light stories, such as the famine in Niger, but no we received over 15 hours of Laci Peterson. I feel for Laci's family, but I also feel for the families of the hundreds of thousands of children that are going to die in Niger.

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