Tuesday, August 30, 2005

The role of the journalist

I would like to start by saying that the amazing journalists, photographers, producers and other crew bringing us the news over the last number of days are true heros. The risks these people take to bring us the news is amazing. CNN's Gary Tuckman and Anderson Cooper are perfect examples of this. Both are at the point in their careers where they could easily stay in a New York studio and report from the warmth and comfort of Times Square, but instead they are risking their lives to bring us the news. Gary Tuckman and his crew's truck was totaled after it was hit by flying debris...while they were all in it. Another CNN photographer has been working for the last two days...shooting with a broken foot. These are just a few examples of what these people, these great journalists are doing to bring us the news.

As a self-proclaimed, media critic I pick on the media quite a bit. I pick on the journalists who front these networks and I question the legitimacy of everything they do. I constantly look for slant, bias and ulterior motives, but it is times like these, times of natural disasters, where I truly appreciate the role of the journalist in American society.

We can have blogs, citizen journalists, media explosion on top of media explosion, but when it comes down to it, when the cards are down and we want and need information, we will turn to these brave heros, risking their lives to bring us the news.

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