Tuesday, August 02, 2005

The DVD and non-linear storytelling

I am currently reading Janet Murray's "Hamlet on the Holodeck: The Future of Narrative in Cyperspace" and it has inspired to me to think about filmmaking/dramatic narrative and how it can be mixed with the different types of new media. This has lead me to wonder about the DVD and how it can be used to make a fully converge entertainment experience.

For example, what if a DVD was programmed, so it was choose-your-own adventure style? One of the things people love about DVD's is when movies have an alternate ending. With a choose-your-own adventure style you could have completely different movies, shaped in part by the viewer.

Another option would be to have the movie tied into real things. For example, what if the DVD was for computer use only and at different points it gave the viewer options for getting background information on things cited in the movie. Then when you clicked for more information it opened up your web browser and took you to a relevant article on CNN.com. Would this make the movie viewing experience more real? Or would it disrupt the viewing session and break the submerisive trance.

Just a few ideas to think about.

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