Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Getting ready to move

So everything is set in stone, I move to Muncie, Indiana on Saturday and I am very excited for the change of scenery. But the move has also made me very busy over the last couple of days and will probably keep me busy until Saturday or Sunday. I appreciate all the initial support Media Dork has received and please keep checking back. I will probably start regularly running and updating this blog next Monday, but I try to keep throwing up tidbits as I can.

Tidbits o' the day

Everybody is still talking about how Google is not talking to CNET - SF Gate | CNN

The Situation Room - I haven't seen it. I am not home when it is on, but it is getting press for doing things different. Apparently, according to Lost Remote, The Situation Room aired a live interview over Mac iChat AV webcam software. [Update] Lost Remote is again praising Blitzer's new show.

Slate Magazine's Daniel Gross is talking about the future of the network newscast in this article from Tuesday.

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