Thursday, August 04, 2005

Chalk me up as impressed again

I must say I was very disappointed to find out that the Youngstown/Warren area, where I am moving out of next week, was ranked the forth best golf city in the country in a recent article in Golf Digest. I mean don't get me wrong, I have always thought that we had good golfing here, such our 36-hole Donald Ross masterpiece at Mill Creek Park. But I really expected there to be better golf cities out there. Cities with tons of nice golf course. I guess I was wrong. For note: The Youngstown/Warren region was the highest ranked city north of the Mason-Dixon line and out ranked golf meccas, such as Myrtle Beach and all of California.


jessafran said...

there are over 10 courses in delaware county (muncie area) alone. the best is the player's club. or at least that i have found. there's also a great driving range that's enclosed including a heating unit... i will find the name of it and post it sometime...

hope the move goes well. and hope you don't mind my tips on how a buckeye turns into a hoosier...

Nick Geidner said...

Well that's good. At least I know there are some places for me to golf out there and thanks agin for the well wishes.